Easy to fold away or dismantle for off-road. By exploring the combinations of experiential details, we’ve imagined 252 ideas for staying safely connected and active during this pandemic. Spoonflower + Betabrand presentBetabrand Double Take Design Challenge. The Doubletake Adventure mirror in combination with RAM arm and ball is the most robust mirror on the market.
We normally use a framework to develop experiences based on a spectrum of social gathering, time, place, and connective intensity but with “place” restricted to homes, our generator instead focuses on the aspects of remoteness we can control: whether or not we interact at the same time, and what amount of physical action we can have in our own spaces. As designers who build interactive experiences, we believe that our constrained spatial distance can be a chance to creatively develop unique moments to help us get through the monotonous days as we keep each other safe. Happy Earth Day 2019 Want to encourage renewable energy use Greenpeace’s Click Clean campaign tells you which of your favorite apps are powered by renewables or dirty energy. We crave an active connection with people, but our screens flatten their physicality, diluting the experience to just another video, emoji or line of text. The adjustable mirrors also are ultra-stable at. In today’s state of the world, we associate “remote” experiences with the usual video call, text conversation or workplace chat thread. The Double Take adjustable mirrors are made in the USA and feature sturdy construction and superior design.